Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mixed Indicators of Economic Difficulties

We live in interesting times and there have been mixed indicators of economic difficulties.

On the one hand, some economies have shown signs of recovery with some economic indicators turning positive during the deepest global recession since the Great Depression.

On the other hand, in most economies, a continuing decline in the critical indicators such as the unemployment rate, the amount of income, and the amount of public/private debt has demonstrated a negative economic trend.

For instance, in some Asian countries including Korea, Taiwan, China, and India, GDPs are up, but in G7 countries, GDPs are down by 3.5%

In some countries, some indicators have turned positive: residential RE sales is up; domestic car sales up; corporate earnings up.

However, some indicators have been negative across the globe: wage income is dwindling; claims for unemployment benefits rising; the amount of the public/private debt increasing

In order to see the big picture and understand the current state of the global economy, one needs to consider an array of indicators in the overall context.

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