Friday, January 7, 2011

Why Massive Inflation around the Globe?

From National Review:

It seems to me entirely plausible that what we are seeing is a giant, global vote of no confidence in the economic policies of the world’s major economies: Europe and the United States, sure, but China, too. I used to say that you could judge how seriously a man took his beliefs about the future by how much of his own money he was willing to bet on a given proposition. But there are things that people take even more seriously than money: things with real value, like food and fuel. Inflation happens when the money supply is increased, regardless of whether it shows up in the Consumer Price Index. CPI jumps are not inflation, they are a reaction to inflation. But don’t tell me that at a time when the market is putting high or record prices on everything of inherent value that everything is hunky-dory on the inflation front. When one country devalues its currency in a last-ditch effort to stave off crisis, it’s a banana republic. When the United States, Europe, Japan, and China do it in a coordinated fashion, we’re all part of the Banana Federation of Greater Bananastan.

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