Monday, January 23, 2012

Apple, the U.S., Manufacturing Decline, and a Squeezed Middle Class: How America Lost Out on iPhone Work

This is by design. One has to see the bigger picture here. The thing is Apple couldn’t have moved its manufacturing operation in the first place without the complicit involvement of the U.S. government and financial entities, as noted on more than a few occasions. Further, as the Financial Times has reported China’s cool down, perhaps smart money has already exited China.

From The New York Times:

When Barack Obama joined Silicon Valley’s top luminaries for dinner in California last February, each guest was asked to come with a question for the president.

But as Steven P. Jobs of Apple spoke, President Obama interrupted with an inquiry of his own: what would it take to make iPhones in the United States?

Not long ago, Apple boasted that its products were made in America. Today, few are. Almost all of the 70 million iPhones, 30 million iPads and 59 million other products Apple sold last year were manufactured overseas.

Why can’t that work come home? Mr. Obama asked.

Mr. Jobs’s reply was unambiguous. “Those jobs aren’t coming back,” he said, according to another dinner guest.

The president’s question touched upon a central conviction at Apple. It isn’t just that workers are cheaper abroad. Rather, Apple’s executives believe the vast scale of overseas factories as well as the flexibility, diligence and industrial skills of foreign workers have so outpaced their American counterparts that “Made in the U.S.A.” is no longer a viable option for most Apple products.

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