Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Charles Hugh Smith: America's Four Socioeconomic Classes

From Of Two Minds:

A titanic political battle is brewing between the parasitic aristocracy, the dependent class and the two classes creating value with their labor. In the conventional view, America's socioeconomic classes are divided by income and wealth into various layers of Wealthy, Middle Class and Poor.  Extending recent analysis, we get an entirely different framework that breaks naturally into four classes: 1. Parasitic financial Aristocracy (creates no value, skims national surplus); 2. High value creation (employed, heavily taxed); 3. Low value creation (employed/informal economy, lightly taxed); and 4. No value creation (unemployed, dependent). In this context, America is filling the gap between the value we create and what we spend by borrowing $1 trillion+ a year on the Federal level and hundreds of billions more on the local-government and private-sector levels. All this debt isn't being "invested" in new value-creation; it is funding consumption and cartel skimming on a monumental scale.

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