Sunday, March 23, 2014

Open Source Brain-Computer Interface

There are many ways to use technological advancement and collaboration for the good of the people.

From Kickstarter:

OpenBCI is a low-cost, programmable, open-source EEG platform that gives anybody with a computer access to their brainwaves. Our vision is to realize the potential of the open-source movement to accelerate innovation in brain science through collaborative hardware and software development. Behind the many lines of code and circuit diagrams, OpenBCI has a growing community of scientists, engineers, designers, makers, and a whole bunch of other people who are interested in furthering our understanding of the brain. We feel that the biggest challenges in understanding what makes us who we are cannot be solved by a company, an institution, or even an entire field of science. Rather, we believe these discoveries will be made through an open forum of shared knowledge and concerted effort by people from many different disciplines.

The community that has begun to develop around OpenBCI is one of the main driving forces for us taking the project further. We were very excited by the amazing feedback and support we received at the NYC Maker Faire and it made us realize the importance of getting more people involved.

Bjorn showing his brainwaves to his daughter at Maker Faire NYC back in September
Bjorn showing his brainwaves to his daughter at Maker Faire NYC back in September

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